Dec 1, 2017
This is a discussion with Tadd Ferguson, a physician at a tertiary care center who receives multiple patient transfers from smaller hospitals. We his point of view on transfers as well as his ideas on how to improve patient transfers to other hospitals.
Nov 18, 2017
This is a discussion about ideas we have had and how we have managed multiple critical patients with limited resources.
Oct 17, 2017
We discuss cases and difficulties faced while transporting patients to another hospital.
Sep 9, 2017
This is a case discussion of a lodged esophageal button battery in a pediatric patient. This was complicated by inability to transport to the nearest pediatric endoscopist. We discuss typical management of a lodged esophageal button battery and how this case was managed.
Sep 5, 2017
This is a case presentation of a precipitous delivery complicated by shoulder dystocia. This discusses multiple options to manage shoulder dystocia. This podcast is geared toward the emergency provider, specifically those in a rural emergency department.